The David Jones Peck, MD, Health Equity Scholarship will be awarded annually to a medical student who has demonstrated a commitment to addressing health disparities and promoting health equity in diverse, economically disadvantaged, urban environments. James Stinson, III was the inaugural recipient. He attends the University of Illinois, Chicago College of Medicine. There, he volunteers at the student-run free clinic and on the South Side of Chicago with the UIC Urban Medicine Program. Congratulations, James!

James Sabra attends Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. James has created a knowledge-based assessment for transgender women regarding physical changes that can occur throughout the transition process. This data will be used to improve the quality of care provided to transgender patients, especially during the transition process, and help to address the knowledge gaps of both patients and physicians. James is paying forward the generosity he has received by donating his time to educate others, including employees at a recent lunch and learn at AMA HQ on LGBTQ health care issues. We can’t wait to have James back again to continue collaborating and educating us!
The other AMA Employee-funded scholarship is Lucy Xu. Lucy attends the University of Chicago School of Medicine. She also volunteers with the Urban Health Initiative on the South Side of Chicago. Here, she focuses on giving back to the community by educating uninsured patients about chronic disease and obesity. Lucy is the first co-director of the Bridgeport Free Clinic and plans to pursue a career in primary care and health care disparities research on the South Side. We look forward to following her many successes!